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How to know if a Bimba y Lola bag is original

If you would like to buy a luxury bag from the Spanish brand Bimba y Lola, you have come to the right place. From Estrena Tu Bolso we explain how to know if a Bimba y Lola bag is original and what attributes you should look at to know it. We want you to always have products of the highest quality and the best brands.

Bimba y lola originales en estrena tu bolso

How to distinguish a luxury bag from fakes

Around the year 2013, the owners of the brand María and Uxía Domínguez, nieces of the renowned designer Adolfo Domínguez, began to wage war against one of the biggest scourges in the fashion sector: counterfeiters. In that year alone, they made more than 100 complaints and seized approximately 10,000 items.

The fierce crusade that has been maintained over the years, losing part of the complaints due to dismissal, which has partially affected the earnings of the designers. However, it has not been able to shake it completely because in 2015 alone they invoiced €115 million and that is not counting the amount generated in its 275 stores around the world.

As much as counterfeiters try to imitate their pieces, the quality does not come close to the quality of an original Bimba y Lola bag. The illusion of obtaining an item as special as one of its bags is one of the great reasons why the brand continues to grow more and more every day, captivating millions of people with its unique and original designs.

Discover with Estrena Tu Bolso how to know if an original Bimba y Lola bag is original or not, what will be those characteristic features that only luxury brands offer. If you are thinking of purchasing your own piece, make sure you have the best guarantees.

5 tips to know if a Bimba y Lola bag is original

How to know if a Bimba y Lola bag is original? The question is very accurate in these times, because counterfeiters have tried to imitate even the smallest detail in their designs, but believe us, a bag from this brand is still inimitable.

Let’s see, below, what are the 5 tips to understand well how to know if a Bimba Lola bag is original compared to lackluster imitations:

Pay attention to the quality of the materials

bolsos bimba y lola originales

To find the way to know if a Bimba y Lola bag is original or not, the first element that you should consider is in the materials and denotative prints in their collections. ThFor a long time, the icon of the Spanish brand was a greyhound. However, due to his crusade with the counterfeiters, this changed over time. Placing different logos such as the name of Bimba y Lola, only the greyhound or with a very special belt such as the Bimba y Lola Shopper Bag, which covers each of the features mentioned.

Look for the most important details

Any luxury bag will cover even the smallest external and internal detail in its designs, that is, its finishes will be perfect. Therefore, there should be no outside threads or problems with the zipper.

Take the game away from the imitators on the subject of how to tell if a Bimba y Lola bag is original by looking at the finishes of the models.

What is your serial number?

Bimba y Lola bags have a guarantee certificate, which is accompanied by a serial number -delivered on a card- that differentiates them from counterfeits. An imitation bag will never be able to offer you a guarantee, much less a verifiable serial number.

You’ll find the serial number near the brand’s internal printed logo, and while counterfeiters have gone to great lengths to mimic such details, the numbers placed on it will be fake and very easy to check.

Packaging is also key

Another tip on how to know if a Bimba y Lola bag is original is found in the packaging and presentation of the pieces.

Like any luxury brand, Bimba y Lola packs its products taking care of even the smallest detail in its designs. Instead, many fakes will just hand you the bag without paying much attention to the packaging.

Buy in certified establishments

Finally, to guarantee a safe purchase of a Bimba y Lola Bag, you should approach certified sites in the market, which offer you even the smallest guarantee details in the designs.

Finally, to guarantee a safe purchase of a Bimba y Lola Bag, you should go to certified sites in the market, which offer you even the smallest guarantee details in the designs. If it becomes a second-hand store, you can demand the product purchase certificates and thus be able to easily identify the origin of their origin.

Within the online stock of Estrena Tu Bolso we guarantee strict compliance with all those authentication details when you go to acquire a Bimba y Lola bag.

Where to buy an original Bimba y Lola bag?

bimba y lola marcas de bolsos de lujo

Now that you know the tips on how to know if a Bimba y Lola bag is original, you may be wondering why it is worth investing in this brand.

The Spanish brand Bimba y Lola revolutionized the Spanish market with its colorful and distinctive bag designs. In this way, the firm gradually gained internationalization, reaching several countries and markets, opening up a place for itself in the wide universe of fashion.

For this reason, you will not miss this class of luxury accessories at Estrena Tu Bolso, where we guarantee to provide you with close attention accompanied by quality products such as Bimba y Lola bags.

Quality and luxury at your fingertips!

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